Grant Control

Where a statutory audit costs money, a subsidy audit can generate money.

Is your organization making use of a grant? Then it is important to take into account the applicable laws and regulations, both when applying for the subsidy and also when preparing the annual financial statements. Our experts specialize in these complex regulations and protocols. Because of their extensive knowledge and experience, we can perform grant audits efficiently and accurately for your organization to ensure accurate and reliable reporting.

Why choose Q?

Extensive knowledge and experience of national and European laws and regulations
Dedicated grant specialists
Focus on concrete outcomes and measurable results
Financial expertise
Your grant accountability in order

Grant audit is specialized work, as it often involves specific audit protocols. These protocols may relate to national grants such as from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) or International grants from the European Commission.

When accounting for subsidies, we check the legitimacy, accuracy, effectiveness and timing of the costs and revenues reported. In addition, we check whether the financial reports match the financial data. If necessary, we also examine whether there is an obligation to pay and whether specific disclosure requirements, such as those for ANBI status, have been met. With our expertise, we ensure that your subsidy reporting fully complies with all requirements.

Get in touch with Q

Do you have a grant you need to account for? Would you like to know what Qconcepts can do for your organization in this regard? We are happy to answer all your questions. Please contact Tim or Willem directly, or leave a message via the button below.

Tim Kolen
Partner Audit
| Rotterdam
Willem van Zutphen
Partner Audit
| Den Bosch